- Realname?: Jakub
- From?: Poland
- Age:?: 20
- In-Game name?: Prawy (^^770Pr^^773awy)
- Hobbys?: Programming, playing games(rotu,fortnite), spending time with friends etc.
- How much you play on a Week?: Lately a lot 15 hours or so
- Why do you want to be a MODS Member?: I really like this mod, i like helping people and doing my best to be as best as i can be.
- Whats your Playtime?: 102 hours
- Whats your Rank?: 469
- Whats your Level?: 110
- About you?: I'm currently studying IT, my main hobby is to play games just to kill a time or spending time with a girlfriend. I'm nice and kind men that likes to help other people i think people like me on the server. If anyone needs help i'm there. Originally i'm playing since 2014 but with many many many breaks. I'm not a grammar nazi ( not good with grammar in english ) but at least i'm understandable. I don't have any pet i like riding on a bike, swimming, ice skating. Since i'm a student i'm not having any job. I hope my application is good enough and i meet your requirements. Greetings!
- From?: Poland
- Age:?: 20
- In-Game name?: Prawy (^^770Pr^^773awy)
- Hobbys?: Programming, playing games(rotu,fortnite), spending time with friends etc.
- How much you play on a Week?: Lately a lot 15 hours or so
- Why do you want to be a MODS Member?: I really like this mod, i like helping people and doing my best to be as best as i can be.
- Whats your Playtime?: 102 hours
- Whats your Rank?: 469
- Whats your Level?: 110
- About you?: I'm currently studying IT, my main hobby is to play games just to kill a time or spending time with a girlfriend. I'm nice and kind men that likes to help other people i think people like me on the server. If anyone needs help i'm there. Originally i'm playing since 2014 but with many many many breaks. I'm not a grammar nazi ( not good with grammar in english ) but at least i'm understandable. I don't have any pet i like riding on a bike, swimming, ice skating. Since i'm a student i'm not having any job. I hope my application is good enough and i meet your requirements. Greetings!