- Realname? Cristiano Pereira
- From? Portugal
- Age:? 18
- In-Game name? Cris_06
- Hobbys? programing testing mods and cod 1 servers and school programing
- How much you play on a Week? all days at least 1 hour or 3
- Why do you want to be a MODS Member? i have been in this family
- Whats your Playtime? 14:00 till 17:00 when my last year of school start will be later
- Whats your Rank?57
- Whats your Level? 373
- About you? i start learning programing since i was 14 but on that time i dind't know anything then i start learning PHP, (C++ i think), javascript, and python
i was always staff in cod 1 even that is kind a diferrent but i always teach people how to play and help them and yeah
)) idk what else to say about me.
- From? Portugal
- Age:? 18
- In-Game name? Cris_06
- Hobbys? programing testing mods and cod 1 servers and school programing
- How much you play on a Week? all days at least 1 hour or 3
- Why do you want to be a MODS Member? i have been in this family
- Whats your Playtime? 14:00 till 17:00 when my last year of school start will be later
- Whats your Rank?57
- Whats your Level? 373
- About you? i start learning programing since i was 14 but on that time i dind't know anything then i start learning PHP, (C++ i think), javascript, and python
i was always staff in cod 1 even that is kind a diferrent but i always teach people how to play and help them and yeah