@SpiderMan OMG Hey Friend
Shoutbox archive
I may not be able to play with you every day because of school but I will try to play on the weekends.
u got banned by language filter with 2 warns ( tempban ), just remember that we maybe join the game after long day just for fun & not to read threatening, talking about religion or flooding chat
@ARON i hope u get better as i remember u are stronger than this, try to calm down, don't misunderstand situations & check this link : https://modszombies.com/page-warns/
Threatening to kill other players, arguing about religion, taking out his personal issues on the lobby randomly, etc.
They probably temp-banned him because he causes a lot of issues on the server consistently.
I'm sad about the news, Aron. I hope you make the most of everything and enjoy it more! If I can help you with anything, let me know.
Nur meine Eltern tun mir leid ich habe keine Angst zu sterben, ich bin dann alle sorgen los und kann endlisch ruhe finden ich hoffe nur das es schnell geht um meine Ahnen wieder zusehen
You left me speechless, Aron...I didn't know that. I hope you enjoy life more, bro, and that you're happy. I send you a hug from Argentina!!
die Wahrheit ist das ich streukrebs habe, Arzt sagt das ich max mit glück vielleicht 2 jahre noch habe, das ist der Grund warum ich so bin und ich meine zeit nutzen will um soviel wie möglich von der welt zusehen, Monat für Monat werde ich schwächer...
Why did they ban Aron? He contributes a lot to the game, I think it's unfair that they do that to him, please unban him.
we are reporting him, there are 20 players now waiting this bad player, pls ban him its really frustrating
hi guys we have a problem, a player with name "unknown" is forcing like 14 players in spect cause he keeps running in a big map and dont want to kill and change the map, someone pls can help us?
ah is ok they unban all but not me, thats the way of this bastard Admins and Moderators to say thx , i have deleted this game and finish , i give my Power and money to my own clan and we have a future all of the time... ciao ..
Fabio ich hätte niemals gedacht das du so ein Arsch bist aber danke, mach es gut
thx for dont unban me you Moderators and admind are Bastards and i never will forget that, u unban all but not me , in real reallife, u got a Headshot u lie Bastards tzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
pls deleted my account , i giving enough for the community, and i got nothing back... thx for nothing
thx for nothing, thx for ban, thats the answer of rotu what i have giving thx !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@ Bruner - Bruner, I'm not an egoist, I give weapons, PU, coins. I just can't speak English.
Sorry, ich habe kein bock es in Englisch hier zusagen, ich habe mich jetzt lange genug von leuten die von Familie sind beleidigen lassen, und habe mich lange genug genug von leuten so ficken lassen. Ich bin Raus und wünsche euch trotzdem alles gute...!!!