When you go in to your Steam account and start play CoD appears to me: CoDUOSP. exe has stopped working. And I can not play the game. How to solve this problem?
When people use !link, to link there forum acount to the player account, serveral(/all) others players getting a number in the middel of the screen. Why?
Hello sorry for i'm again afk for 1 month, but our house is destroyed,by fire emergency...i lost my room, and my cat...sorry girls/guys, i wish for everyone merry christmas , happy new year!
They probably keep your IP in cache for a while. Checking a key against millions takes a lot longer and more resources, than just to have to check a few IP's.
It has something to do with the way Activision verifies the Key.. You send the Key to them, they send the guid to server, set a challengekey for you IP and every player that connects with your IP gets the same guid, no matter what CD key.
That wont realy work. There are times it will work and you can play on your own account. But (in my experience) most of the times it uses the same account for both/more players if it comes form the same IP address.
Guten tag alle. Fabio . Wir spielen hier mit 3 Personen . AggroRene das bin ich . AggroLuise das ist meine Frau. AggroMax das ist mein sohn. Alle mit verschiedene CD-Key´s.
I see 3 players with the name AggroRene: player 3273, player 1201, player 3374. 3273 is now at level 16 and I guess its created about 2 a 3 months ago. So he is used it for some time already.