Nope, Never seen a true cracked server. I've seen one labeled cracked, but I don't think it really was.
Shoutbox archive
Yo, check this thread guys and leave a comment
All levels and achievements will be merged to your new account, you won't even notice
and q regarding a new account system: does it mean all the lvl achievements are not longer valid?
You need: localized_english_pakuo00.pk3 localized_english_pakuo01.pk3 localized_english_pakuo02.pk3
Maybe some players will join with gametracker.. Maybe I can offer a client with an alternativ masterserver.. let's see if this works..
But if they take the master server down then nobody can load the list with servers that are online. Then the game will be soon compleatly dead.
I'm already planing some major changes to the account system. Since Activision will take the masterserver down soon, we'll have a problem with the GUIDs
Furthermore you make a good algorithm that looks how good you perform. And that creates a factor that affects you damage on the zombies and the zombies on you. This way you leveling difficulty a bit more out.
The stats are there motive to play. Maybe there should be two groups. one with a standard average kit where they play with. and the other where you start with a bad kit + stats and can grow up to a good kit. First time you join you start in the first group and with !register (seen it in other mods) you can join the second group.
Every time the master server is down, the number of players is lower than normal. Think this is because they don't play with their own account anymore. And so the don't get there stats. With other words there are players that only play because there stats getting record.
and what about no more stats ? too many ppl play only for thier ratio k/d and it kills the game.
You only missed a few mins/death, score/mins, score/mins, average online time (game addict :o )
what are you guys listening to??
Lieber einen bauch vom Saufen als einen Buckel vom Arbeiten!!! Noch ein Bier!
soll ich meine karten nummer schreiben,bekomme ich dann meine premium mitgliedschaft