01-24-2016, 02:15 PM
Hello Guys and Fabio
First I am sorry about my Writing I am no that good on that
I think this server need some chabges and that need it ASAP
1.Daily Reward For Players = Examples - 1. Daily Rewards can by some think like Doubble XP for 24hours , Golden Eagle , Starting every map whit 15K aslo starting whit beter guns , and plenty plenty more things i have ind Mind I can sort it out whit Fabio that if he like
2. Defo need it new maps Fabio just delete that 100 years old maps coz there is 1000s good zombies maps
3. Defo need it ADD some PU like Doubble XP , Random Gun thats mean player can try all the guns even that Premium and plenty more things i have in my Mind can sort it out whit Fabio if he like
4.Guns Plsease Fabio i know its lot of Job to do whit the change Guns but this server need Defo new Guns i miss on this server plenty good guns like Raygun but that good one no Ray like on this server its Crap :
5.Yes will be nice ADD some maps where is some PERKS that will be Great if Possible :
Thans for watching my Post and I hope you will like some things Guys
PS : Fabio I know you have some of this things all ready in your Server Plan but now is that time MAKE IT HAPPEN
2nd PS : Fabio PM if you like sort it out something on TS no problem LUV YA
First I am sorry about my Writing I am no that good on that

I think this server need some chabges and that need it ASAP
1.Daily Reward For Players = Examples - 1. Daily Rewards can by some think like Doubble XP for 24hours , Golden Eagle , Starting every map whit 15K aslo starting whit beter guns , and plenty plenty more things i have ind Mind I can sort it out whit Fabio that if he like
2. Defo need it new maps Fabio just delete that 100 years old maps coz there is 1000s good zombies maps
3. Defo need it ADD some PU like Doubble XP , Random Gun thats mean player can try all the guns even that Premium and plenty more things i have in my Mind can sort it out whit Fabio if he like
4.Guns Plsease Fabio i know its lot of Job to do whit the change Guns but this server need Defo new Guns i miss on this server plenty good guns like Raygun but that good one no Ray like on this server its Crap :

5.Yes will be nice ADD some maps where is some PERKS that will be Great if Possible :

Thans for watching my Post and I hope you will like some things Guys
PS : Fabio I know you have some of this things all ready in your Server Plan but now is that time MAKE IT HAPPEN

2nd PS : Fabio PM if you like sort it out something on TS no problem LUV YA