Hello guys
I apply for join Mods community.
I like this community, I want to help you.
I have must friend in community
(Harmony, RoyaltY, Imo, Aron, Fabio, Fashion-Noob, Jéremy, Vulgus ...) and many more.
This year I'm 18 years old
Im playing cod uo since june 2013.
I have Discovered Rotu 6 mounth later.
Most of you know me, i have always played to relax and have fun i like Rotu.
I have make my mod and if the master is ok i can help him to develope Rotu furthermore i'm going in school for must learn programming.
The master will decide
Bye see you on the server
I apply for join Mods community.
I like this community, I want to help you.
I have must friend in community

This year I'm 18 years old
Im playing cod uo since june 2013.
I have Discovered Rotu 6 mounth later.
Most of you know me, i have always played to relax and have fun i like Rotu.
I have make my mod and if the master is ok i can help him to develope Rotu furthermore i'm going in school for must learn programming.
The master will decide

Bye see you on the server