07-22-2022, 08:54 PM
- Realname: MDDr. Ladislav Szilágyi (mddr means = medicinae dentalis doctor)
- From: Slovak republic, but I live in Czech republick(Czechia), location Morava - place well known for drinking too much Slivovicz. People here are equally strong in drinking alcohol as Russians :
I drink beer only, sometimes Gin with tonic.
- Age: 34 years and getting older every second
- In-Game name: Denntist - I will have this name only, forever.
- Hobbys: my work as a dentist - specialist on Zirconia crowns and bridges, dental Implants and so on..., another hobbies are running(half maratons only), fittness bodybuilding, taking care of my wife and two Ragdoll cats
- How much you play on a Week: It is not important how much I play, but why I play. Usually after a hard day with my patients I play this game game for around 3hours every 3days to release the steam from my head. Meet other guys or gays(i dont know
). And if I meet a good fellow who knows how to play fairly a helps me, then I buy him a Premium to be happy (I hope Fabio is happy too
- Why do you want to be a MODS Member: I was asked by some Admins to join your family clan, so I am writing this message. It is up to you guys if u accept me or not.
- Whats your Rank: I am a doctor i real life so my rank is only medical
- Whats your Level: currently lvl 187 and rising higher by every visit
- About you: I am a guy who have respect for life, that is why I become a doctor. This phylosophie I try to involve in game as well so I try to help other players as a medic for healing and reviving. In chinese horoscopy I am a dragon so I dont like cheaters, egomaniacs and people who hurt others.
I wish you nice day, good health and happy life.
Your Denntist
- From: Slovak republic, but I live in Czech republick(Czechia), location Morava - place well known for drinking too much Slivovicz. People here are equally strong in drinking alcohol as Russians :

- Age: 34 years and getting older every second

- In-Game name: Denntist - I will have this name only, forever.
- Hobbys: my work as a dentist - specialist on Zirconia crowns and bridges, dental Implants and so on..., another hobbies are running(half maratons only), fittness bodybuilding, taking care of my wife and two Ragdoll cats

- How much you play on a Week: It is not important how much I play, but why I play. Usually after a hard day with my patients I play this game game for around 3hours every 3days to release the steam from my head. Meet other guys or gays(i dont know

- Why do you want to be a MODS Member: I was asked by some Admins to join your family clan, so I am writing this message. It is up to you guys if u accept me or not.
- Whats your Rank: I am a doctor i real life so my rank is only medical

- Whats your Level: currently lvl 187 and rising higher by every visit
- About you: I am a guy who have respect for life, that is why I become a doctor. This phylosophie I try to involve in game as well so I try to help other players as a medic for healing and reviving. In chinese horoscopy I am a dragon so I dont like cheaters, egomaniacs and people who hurt others.
I wish you nice day, good health and happy life.
Your Denntist