11-14-2023, 11:07 PM
I believe there's a misunderstanding here. No one is asking to remove pu's from any waves. The only issue is that there are selfish players who will wait in spectator to grab coins that players waste their time defending. If you want to put the 120 second cooldown for only wave 15, that's fine. I really don't care how it gets fixed, but the coin wave is nerfed. I'm not unrealistic, I'm not expecting to get 4 coins or even a coin every game, but when I get on at midnight, 1am and am playing with 1 other person and some dude is waiting in spectator for us to get to that wave to then, hop in and take everything is total bull. I'm close to ditching the game because of about 9 different players and how they play this game and treat the people playing it and they're some of the most active players. If there were a 2 minute cooldown for new players joining during that wave, then they wouldn't be able to take what people just played 15 waves to get. I'm not trying to screw the game up, I'm asking to remove the ability so that people don't take too much advantage of others and I don't think that's outrageous. The only reason why I included pu's along with coins being part of the cooldown is because those are pickups as well and I thought that would be fair, but if y'all don't wanna do that or any of it, there's really nothing I can do.