Life is like vodka you have only 1, use it and you will finish it
Shoutbox archive
ok maybe that was a mistakeSorry Alan! let us be friends and fighting again, against the zombs
Aron, I come home from work and just relax in the game. Why are you so angry
ey stop it now, u do it without jokes u make it only with me. Reason Reason? Lier
Can not be, that i need to give a Answer im alone on the end of the map and u run to me 2 times and drop the barrels in front of me? whats wrong?
Oui Roy a raison joue un peu plus et tu verra deja si le jeu de plait vraiment et ensuite tu pourra demander
@PX_Lil "-Your level is too low -Try it after level 150" is just that you need made good luck
@PX_Lil ne fais pas d'application s'il te plaît tu seras refuser dans tous les cas joue un peu plus tu est trop nouveau et personne ne te connais
Comment on fait une candidature pour devenir mods un truc du genre, par email? i think
hey guy , i am going unban here and game is ready unban and sorry i will not spamming for before i promise i never kidding all