Happy Birthday Jeremy 'bon anniversaire'
Shoutbox archive
I download the combofix, and it is find: 7 backdoor (keyloggers) 141 trojan 2000 PuP.Optional tool...lol
@ErHUN : Fogj egy üres USB-t, menj át egy másik géphez. Csinálj egy bootolható antivirus stick-et. Utána USB-ről bootold be vírusirtót a fertőzött gépen és futtasd azt.
yes Combofix kills all virus trojans & zombies on your PC http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/download/combofix/
or ... go to another PC and download this AVG Free installer and run on infected PC -> http://download.cnet.com/AVG-AntiVirus-F...=n&hlndr=1
Somebody can help me? A backkdoor virus everytime infection my pc..i cant delete it when i try delete it the virus scanner dead
Aggy what is going on here Fabios Biatch WTF WTF WTF????? Pls tell them who is you Prince in here pls Aggy...... <3 <3