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Nope The reality is different then what is in your mind . It's reagulary caused by a immune player. Maybe it's an idea to punnish those people by temporaly (5 sec) blind them, like in mods zombies v3 with the flashgranate. But then it only effects the people in a smaller zone near them, more like the size of the protection bubble.
Fabio can you change the heavy earthquakes that occur when the boss zombies are standing to long in one spot, from teleport and then the earthquake to earthquake and then teleport? So that it happens on the spot where they are standing instead on the teleported spot. Thanks
777777777777 Misssssssssss you Man Good to have you Back cant wait on you to play whit you
Therapy, ya hice todo, te mande un mensaje con algunas preguntas, si funciona bien despues hago la donacion.
Playerinformation: Last Update: September 18 2015 21:50:15. I think someting is crashed here