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Good morning everyone,
This topic is not meant to generate discussion or change of rules, its just my opinion on a behaviour trend i see lately on server

Generally, i play for the team, and that means assuring everyone has good weapon, reviving, support people's challenges with medics, and so on. Many times i dont even shoot zombies or boss in order to give other players points if i  think i already have enough for me.
I am ok with spectating if you are on shred or similar challenges, im ok with a single player killing all 3 bosses or never share coins or powerups, everyone gets judjed by his own actions.
But there is a limit. It happened me few times lately to loose maps or being forced to change map when i was doing good, because other need a specific map, or because they are on their challenge, and i end up alone when map started with 10 people, like yesterday. 3 map changes, coins spent for 100k wasted, frustration for loosing good games. And i also often see players standing in a corner because they dont want to spend damn 5000 to throw 4 stupid nades at boss, and then rusk to shoot them as soon they can.
Why do i buy 2xp for?

Why do i buy Premium to others for?
Peco please give me weapon,  Peco please buy 2xp. Now that is enough.
I dont need no rule or code change, i know its my mindset witch is too naife.
But you will not have my economic support anymore, because some players do not deserve it.

Much Love, pECo
And again thismorning happened. Im playing good, others just suicide cause map is not good for them, and i end up loosing a good game.
Is this fun to play dock and remix cause they are easy? Or remagen so while i struggle ingame players do runner and immortal outside?
No, it is not.
True peco. Show name of that player. Yes, im selfih sometimes, but with revive i get big points.
Hey Peco , you  are true  , everyone gets judjed by his own actions. I know , this is the case for me 

Some peoples don t care about my gameplay and other hate me, they find i am selfish  even if  i only kill more zombie as them, but that's not the subject 

 And if people want change map , continue to play and say you don t want change if you like.

When people want change map , i say ok if i agree , and if i dont i play and survive alone if i want it 

And when i don t like a map or dont enjoy to play one for some reason , i leave server and wait next map to play 

And Peco , if you want my opinion you are the most generous and sincere player on server. 

Thanks for your feedback peco. And sorry for that..

In my opinion we should adjust the rules a little bit.
Begging for weapons/dxp/premium will not be allowed anymore and will be punished.

In general, asking for next map is fine, but only if all players agree. If you don't agree, just continue playing.
That's why there is a map vote.. usually players should vote the map they like..
Sincerely thanks evrybody to your replies.

What i see is an increasing trend about what i was talking about. I think probably is due to the good fact that many new players, and probably many young players, are joining rotu.
There is a good measure in everything. Should i help any of you guys reaching a goal, i could accept everything, but that is happening too often and, at least for me, is causing a little distress.
Imo, you are about reaching king, and i dont really care if you exit map for a challenge once, because meanwhile you help other players in many ways, same for fiks and other players. There is a lot of kind players out there.
Also begging for help is not an issue, i can decide anyway what to do.
Its always been like that. 
What i ask for is common sense, something hard to enstablish with new rules, only because i see an escalating trend of this exit-map go-spectate practice, witch in turns affects other players
I am unemployed, spending even 6 euros for the server means a lot for me.
i just hope you understand this..
Thanks for your words fiks, this means a lot to me

Ah peco, just say "fiks you are selfish" 1
(04-13-2021, 04:58 PM)fiks Wrote: [ -> ]Ah peco, just say "fiks you are selfish" 1

You are not because you play here with passion, and maybe rotu would not be what it is without you
And i also learned a LOT looking your gaming here
i remember being frustrated when i saw you killing 10 times the zombies i killed back in the days, before realizing i was playing at 10 % of my capabilities. You showed me the rest of the 90% of this mod ^^
so Thanks!
EIII PECO. Cuando comencé a jugar a Rotu, el tema era muy diferente, era una competencia, se competía por matar más, tomar más monedas, no existía ningún juego de equipo. Luego, poco a poco, algunos jugadores si estaban interesados en ayudar a otros (regalar armas, explicar reglas del juego, enseñar trucos, etc.). Eres de esos jugadores que van a ayudar pero a veces los jugadores solo aprovechan tu ejemplo de ejemplo (un jugador nuevo te da un arma y este el único que aprende es a exigir que les den armas) .Mi consejo es que Sigan lo mismo disfrutar del juego y ayudar a los demás pero sabiendo que las cosas no siempre salen bien. Amigo animado.
EIII PECO. When I started playing Rotu, the subject was very different, it was a competition, it was competed for killing more, taking more coins, no team game existed. Then a little by little some players if they were interested in helping others (giving away weapon, explaining rules of the game, teaching tricks etc). You are one of those players who are to help but sometimes players only take advantage of your example example (a new player gives you a gun and this the only one who learns is to demand that they give them weapons) .My advice is that Follow the same enjoying the game and helping others but knowing that things do not always come out well. Animate friend.
this is true peco many times they ask for changing map even if i dont want change i agree 
and many players dont throw nades (they say :ill not waste 5k for nothing) 
and they ask many times for weapons 
but its good help other people and u have just to get strong let them do whatever they want
if you dont want help them or do what they want don't