Reign of the Undead - Revolution

Full Version: Gameplay Guide for ROTU?
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Hello fellow gamers.

I have recently found the MODS Zombie server and really like the update based on COD UO. What I am looking for is any instructions on in game actions.

I see ammo boxes and red cubes plus first aid kits appear on the floor in game, but don't know which category of player have these to give and how they do it and when they can do it!

I see some players at the armament chest throwing numerous weapons on the floor. Who? How? When?

Defence Bubbles, again, Who? How? When?

On the gameserver stats I see a bowcaster, minigun, stick staff. Same 3 questions.

I would like to help write a guide for newcomers like myself so we get more out the game and hopefully get through to and finish level 20 as a team. Perhaps if anyone reading this can send me any little bit of information it can be written down in a sticky thread. If the thread message could be open so that others can add anything that would be really helpful.

Finally, if admin agree to this, where is the best location on the forum to set up this thread?

Thanks - Connection Interrupted
Hey CI
noted and will be answered asap
When you join then you select your 'class'
click on each class hover mouse over each item to explain their special attributes.
for instance
Medic double bash to drop health pack, double bash special key for health aura
Armor double bash to drop ammo etc.
Heavy is red one

can buy a weapon and drop for someone else command is I think in consul type 'bind w vsay dropweapon'
I'll double check this.

When you have 'energy' press 'v7' and you will see options or open consul type \bind "key" vsay 7 a that will work through game (bubble)
When you get upgrade points and filled your chosen class then you put upgrade points on special weapons, then buy at cabinet for 10 coins.
I have an 'autoexec.cfg' file with these setting in that loads with game.

sorry I'm not best at explaining things but others will correct me and we get what your asking. Hope this helps post again here for now.
Hello Connection Interrupted,

i was thinking about making a Guide to play RotU.
I will start making a thread about it today.

You can all Post your stuff then and i will add it to the Mainpost in the correct order!

Thanks in advance
fabio - I have noticed that some other members have been asking questions about specific subjects and have been replied to by more experienced players. If I see any of these answers, do you think those giving the answer would be upset if I cut and paste the information into the new ROTU Gameplay thread. Or, is there a rule forbidding reposting?

I'm just thinking about trying to lighten the admin load, as I am sure you all need as much help as possible so you can get on playing the game?

Connection is restored.
That would be great if you do it 1

I will make this thread now. You all can post your stuff you want to add and i will paste it to the main post.

Thank you very much for your help.
Should we posts the copied information here and then you will move it over to the ROTU Gameplay thread? Like this one by HarrySimon

"RE: New Here
You need skillpoints to make your classes better or to unlock special weapons!
Example: if you spend 20 skillpoints on "Minigun" or "Super Shotgun" you can unlock them and find them in the gun's chest. These guns are called Special Guns.
Instead, you can also spend skillpoints on the classes (up to 35 on Medic, Armored, Soldier ect...) to get some benefits. Every 5 skillpoint you spend on a class, you also unlock a benefit.
Another example: if you have 10 skillpoints in the Medic class and you reset them, you will have 10 free skillpoints, but your benefits on the class will disappear!
P.S., when you reset, you will reset ALL the skillpoints, in all the classes/special weapons!"

Here's a little snippet I have written: with a re-edit of HarrySimon's input.

Soldier Types

To play ROTU, you have to decide what type of combatant you want to be in the game. All Soldier Types start the game with a machine gun and a pistol. Each type have different abilities and in-game strengths. Select between:

Soldier - (Needs info on what this option can do/drop/repair etc.)
Armoured - (Needs info on what this option can do/drop/repair etc.)
Scout - (Needs info on what this option can do/drop/repair etc.)
Medic - (Needs info on what this option can do/drop/repair etc.)
Heavy - (Needs info on what this option can do/drop/repair etc.)

Health Status

The green bar at the lower left of the screen shows how much health you have. If the green health bar depletes down to nothing you will die until the end of the level or the end of the game, or until another player revives you.

Replenish your Health

During play within a level fighting the zombies, if your health gets very low, it can be boosted to 100% but at a price. Go to the blue vending machine and press your 'Use' key. Select the 'Restore Health' option. When you leave the vending machine your health will slowly rise but be careful not to be damaged by a zombie

until it's fully restored. Sometimes during the level, another player may drop a 'Health Kit' when there are many zombies on the field of play. Standing within it's aura will give you health.

Also, during play. If you see a green floating orb with a dark green cross, standing within it's aura will give you health.

Between levels, other players may drop a 'Health Kit'. Stand next to white box with a red cross to get back your health. If no one has a 'Health Kit', then buy 'Restore Health' at the vending machine by pressing your 'Use' key. Select the 'Restore Health' option.

Toxic Smoke

Green toxic smoke inflicts damage shown as a blinking aura around you and drains any health until you move away or until you die. Replenish it quickly at the vending machine as zero health means instant death. (See - Replenish Health section).


When you select what type of soldier you want to play a variety of classes are shown. When you first start playing, they will all be locked. (Needs info on what options on the menu.)

You need skillpoints to make your classes better or to unlock special weapons!
Example: if you spend 20 skillpoints on "Minigun" or "Super Shotgun" you can unlock them and find them in the dull green gun's chest next to, or near the vending machine. These guns are called Special Guns.
Instead, you can also spend skillpoints on the classes (up to 35 on Medic, Armoured, Soldier etc.) to get some benefits. Every 5 skillpoint you spend on a class, you also unlock a benefit.

Resetting Skillpoints
If you have 10 skillpoints in the Medic class and you reset them, you will have 10 free skillpoints, but your benefits on the class will disappear! Remember though, when you reset, you will reset ALL the skillpoints, in all the classes/special weapons!
Yea something like that 10
I made the post:

Feel free to post your additions and improvements.

In game intermitent admin scrolling message informing players the gameplay guide is available on this forum?
Thanks for your post, i added some of your instructions to the Guide Thread.

I closed the guide thread now, as it is only for the guide and no more posts.

Post additions here and i will add it then 1

Yea i will also link it on homepage and server so everyone can read it!
(03-04-2015, 01:50 PM)fabio Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for your post, i added some of your instructions to the Guide Thread.

I closed the guide thread now, as it is only for the guide and no more posts.

Post additions here and i will add it then 1

Yea i will also link it on homepage and server so everyone can read it!

You are a wonder of a man 1

/ F
(03-04-2015, 01:56 PM)forau Wrote: [ -> ]You are a wonder of a man 1

/ F
haha thanks forau Smile
Awesome Mr Fabio and quick
Basic Knowledge that may be useful?

Key Binds/Unbinds
Some players may not know how to 'bind' keys or know what the 'bind' is. It is a way to place a regularly used shortcut onto the keyboard. Be careful which keyboard keys you select as several have important functions within the game. Binds can be written in the 'console' which can be accessed by pressing the "`" key but without the quote marks. Type in
\bind [your selected key] [your shortcut].
To unbind a key type in the console
\unbind [your selected key].
A few examples of useful ROTU binds can be found on the How to Play RotU [Gameplay Guide] webpage.

Health Sapping Ethereal Objects & Zombie Actions
Apart from the zombies touching a player, there are other ingame dangers that will either sap your health or render you dead.

Pink Mist Comet
Trails of pink mist will follow certain players but not others. It depends if the zombie has selected you for punishment to your health. When the pink mist comets appear, check behind you for one that is trailing you. It can be outpaced , so run and twist and turn until it dissipates. If it touches you your health will dwindle.

Blue Snowballs
Certain zombies will have the ability at times, to throw in all directions, glowing light blue snowballs that will render you dead if you are in their vicinity. You have a brief period before they are thrown to hide away.

Rising Thunderclap
Look out for a zombie that starts to rise vertically in the air and get out of direct sight of them. At the top of the rise, the zombie gives out a load Thunderclap. Anyone caught in the blast is immediately rendered dead. Many players can be taken out in one go by this event so avoid at all costs.
The bind function is a short cut to 1 key in the rotu functions ( see fabio instructions rotu what can be used).
What you can use here is Fabios functions of what items/usage one can use and weapons to drop.
See the v + function in this game with Fabios functions what can be used.
For ex. energy field, drop weapon, and so on...

Fabio , maybe a short instruction somewhere in on the section of player/info

As Connection. Iter. says, What you use is : bind (key) vsay (function)
we can also be contacted and explain more thorough on TS if you want.

Always to your Service

Mr F
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