Reign of the Undead - Revolution

Full Version: Map suggestions for RotU
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It*Sorry my mistakessss
(07-31-2016, 05:08 PM)@Suicidal AngryCow Wrote: [ -> ]Please add Winter_War Maybe u dont want eat 21))))))!ITS THE BIGGEST MAPPPPP!

Winter_war is perfect to Base Assault, no for Zombies!/ 112 47 112
So, I didn't go through this whole thread to see what has or hasn't been suggested, but Aron was asking about it earlier and I didn't really have any good ideas, except one and really it would be a horrible idea, but given the in-game maps you've already chosen, I was thinking Despot and Powcamp would make some lovely zombie maps. Mostly because while you may find a spot or two that would make for some good camping, ultimately I don't think you really got anywhere to go, but who knows. They're small maps, so that should help. I'll think on it some more and get back to ya.
I Think the maps =>Depot & Powcamp<= can i make for Rotu1
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