hello all
this is my application to join mods team
my name is: ghani
my RT also ghani
age : almost 16
iam from algeria
time spent :437h
hobbies: playing Rotu football
Hi Ghani,
my vote is Yes!!!
due to many reasons: (in game)
- good player to slay zombie with
- active on discord and forum
- you speak French, english and maybe more xD
- you know much about the game and much more in console commands from cod 1 and
- you like to help newbies and others when they ask in chat
- no bad chat, no problem with others, teamplaying and sharing
... good luck with your application
Hello Ghani,
We have no issues identified with you, you aren't causing an in-game problem then we are ok for your application.
You have been accepted. Please put the MODS tag infront of your name
Best Regards MODS Team,