In windows command prompt type :
How many routers do go through?
I got 4 routers. The 3rd is french lol
The shown ones are public routers, the "Request timed out" or local IPs are local routers in datacenters.
You have 9 hops.
I have 12 hops
Thanks Fabio, it's been a long time.
Let's see if we get some numbers from India, China, Brazil etc
my input
12 hops from here
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 100, Received = 100, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 14ms, Maximum = 25ms, Average = 17ms
and a jitter of 4ms average with spikes upto 11ms
13ms = 0x
14ms = 4x
15ms = 11x
16ms = 20x
17ms = 32x
18ms = 15x
19ms = 6x
20ms = 2x
21ms = 0x
22ms = 1x
23ms = 2x
24ms = 6x
25ms = 1x
26ms = 0x
lol, Roy from France (where the server is located) has the most hops xD
I am the furthest from this xD server near 900Km
as a reminder, frankfurt is 550Km from the xD server and Netherlands are the closest
(12-24-2020, 12:16 AM)|MODS|RoyaltY Wrote: [ -> ]I am the furthest from this xD server near 900Km
as a reminder, frankfurt is 550Km from the xD server and Netherlands are the closest
I'd love to see a post from somewhere exotic. I think tracert Max's out at 30 hops.
Come on tesa, the suspense is killing me
where is localized the server in france ? what city ?
(12-24-2020, 11:12 AM)imo Wrote: [ -> ]where is localized the server in france ? what city ?
ok i only have 500 km
From Greece