Reign of the Undead - Revolution

Full Version: Chat Commands
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Chat Commands for RotU

  • !register : Register in our forums
  • !stats : Shows your gaming statistics (e.g. Kills, Deaths, Onlinetime, ...)
  • !time : Shows the current servertime  (CET/MEZ)
  • !playerinfo [name] : Replace [name] with a playername or a part of his name. Shows where the specified player is from
  • !admins : Shows a list of online admin on the server
  • !like : Up-Vote the current map (View mapvotes here:
  • !dislike : Down-Vote the current map (View mapvotes here:
  • !maprating : Shows the rating of the current map
  • !topliked : Shows the most liked map
  • !topdisliked : Shows the most disliked map
  • !report [name] [reason] : Replace [name] with a playername or a part of his name. Report a player with a reason
  • !report [reason] : Send a non-personalized report