Reign of the Undead - Revolution

Full Version: deaths inside Energy field
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lol say "Please" next time it happens then Smile
ok, same effect on stealth for scouts then...?
"please dont see me"
Yeah it always works!!   109 109 10
Give it a try forau Smile
2 times in a row in 45 seconds ,map Store, Helga level

Getting seriously tired of this..
Mr F Senior used the word "FUCK!" in chat and left the game.

Make it stronger so 1 can not even go out&in of it.
Nothing should effect one in there, period!
I don't understand the suggestion sorry.. Can't go in and out?
ok, let me explain in sex language.

Like you do with a hole;
But this time , see the energy field like a rubber.
Nothing goes in & nothing goes out.

I told fabio to fix the fact that pink lights come inside the bubble Dodgy

BUT I think i have an idea...
*Is it possible to make the energy field to block pathway in the fields area?
/then they cant push you out of the ef bubble as they do to much now./

bloody annoying since it happens to often and it ruins the game
...and cost coins for nothing!
It's difficult...
Is there anything you can think of to make zombs not bounce you out,
transparency, pathway, temporary wall...

anything ... he he im desperate..haha!
If I was there in the bubble with you, i'd whip out my third leg and use it as a sword.
Here we have an idea....

Long would probably hit a homerun!
2 deaths in 6-7 sec.
Helga level

died in side bubble, revive kit- , died again inside bubble
Forau left the game.
Hm Hm Hm, did you die by booms? Or helga killed you in bubble? I think i will make something like the "no damage hud" if you are in bubble.
I mean the thing you get when collecting power ups. You get it also if you are in a bubble.
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