Reign of the Undead - Revolution

Full Version: Rename Rank Idea
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Hello, Players and Admins

I have suggested that you guys should rename the Member Rank to MODS Member for all MODS Members who are in the clan which would be really cool and useful, just thought about it and generating new ideas for the Clan and wanted to see what you guys think about it.

|MODS| SubZero

The rank "Member" here on the forum is already the "Mods" Member Rank/Role.

if you mean for Discord, yea it maybe would a cool idea.
(05-29-2024, 11:23 PM)Mambu Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,

The rank "Member" here on the forum is already the "Mods" Member Rank/Role.

if you mean for Discord, yea it maybe would a cool idea.

Yes you are right it is, I was thinking About renaming there “Member” Role on the website to MODS Member, But yes I was also thinking that they should do it on the Discord server to.

|MODS| SubZero
Yes, but everyone knows it means Mods member, so it would be nonsense to change it (my opinion).

but for discord as i mention already, would be a cool idea.
(05-30-2024, 12:56 AM)Mambu Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, but everyone knows it means Mods member, so it would be nonsense to change it (my opinion).

but for discord as i mention already, would be a cool idea.

Alright, makes sense. Yes They should do it on Discord it would be cool and then adding the color blue to it.
And also adding a Donator role on the server and putting it yellow.

|MODS| SubZero