-Realname?: WAQAR AHMED
- From?: Pakistan
- Age?: 19 years
- In-Game name?: AHMED
- Hobbys?: Call of Duty game
- How much you play on a Week: on free times
- Why do you want to be a MODS Member?: I love that to help other players and enjoy
- Whats your Playtime?: 352.45 hours
- Whats your Rank?: 195
- Whats your Level: 270
- About you: nothing
Very active, regular player. Nice personality, I would say approve this man.
(04-25-2024, 10:54 AM)betstar Wrote: [ -> ]Very active, regular player. Nice personality, I would say approve this man.
thanks bet bro :heart: :heart:
My vote is yes. Nice guy!
thanks Fiks bro :heart: :heart:
My Vote is a Very Big Yes , Ahmed is a very cool guy and is everytime a pleasure to play with him and lots of funny Moments
thank you so much Aron Bro :heart: :heart:
I agree he is an outstanding player. My vote is a yes. Goodluck dude
Thanks subzero bro :heart: :heart:
Hello Ahmed,
my vote is also yes
- no bad chat, no problem with others, teamplaying
Good luck with your application ....
Best Regards,
|MODS| Reaper
(04-27-2024, 05:51 PM)|MODS| Reaper Wrote: [ -> ]Hello Ahmed,
my vote is also yes
- no bad chat, no problem with others, teamplaying
Good luck with your application ....
Best Regards,
|MODS| Reaper
thanks bro love you :heart: :heart:
I vote yes. Great player and great chat.
Thank you very much Ashtonia
My vote is VERYYYYYYYYYYY BIIIIIG yes! you are really good player and like my brother
Good luck bro.