Reign of the Undead - Revolution

Full Version: Request for Teamplayer Challenge
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Dear Everyone, 

Fabio advised me to ask on forum about the Teamplayer challenge status to be achieved.
So, I would like to ask Admins to make a vote about it. 


(03-14-2024, 04:03 AM)betstar Wrote: [ -> ]Dear Everyone, 

Fabio advised me to ask on forum about the Teamplayer challenge status to be achieved.
So, I would like to ask Admins to make a vote about it. 



Hello Betstar,

first of all i vote to ban Fabio Tongue even if he didn't mean it that way

about Teamplayer criteria it's private & only known by Admins just to prevent abuse, i can only tell few of the most important criteria :
- Be fair and respectful toward other players
- Not being banned recently

... for the rest are based on a list to be completed, once player fulfill it without being told how to ( as Teamplayer ) challenge will be activated by Admins

... many great players have been voted for & more will follow soon

... once all Admins agree on, the lovely notification @Everyone will be released on Discord after that the Teamplayer will be notified on the next joining to the server ( that's how it works )

Best Regards MODS Team,
|MODS| Reaper
Dear Reaper, 

Thanks for the answer. To be honest I am trying my best to be nice to people, but sometimes people just bring out the wild of me and I just can't. Angel
But anyways, I keep doing my stuff as I did before and hope it won't be my last challenge to be undone.

All the best!
One other criteria:
- don't troll Fabio (to much).

He will make it his life mission to prevent you from getting it. 44