Reign of the Undead - Revolution

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-Realname?: Adm

-Age?: 17
-From?: Egypt
-In-Game name?: MR.Beast
-Hobbys?10lay Call of Duty game
-How much you play on a Week?: on free times
-Why do you want to be a MODS Member?: I love that to help other players and enjoy
-Whats your Paytime?: 0 Hours
-Whats your Rank?: 23032
-Whats your level?: 1
-About you?: nothing
(02-09-2024, 10:36 PM)MR.Beast Wrote: [ -> ]-Realname?: Adm

-Age?: 17
-From?: Egypt
-In-Game name?: MR.Beast
-Hobbys?10lay Call of Duty game
-How much you play on a Week?: on free times
-Why do you want to be a MODS Member?: I love that to help other players and enjoy
-Whats your Paytime?: 0 Hours
-Whats your Rank?: 23032
-Whats your level?: 1
-About you?: nothing

My vote is Yes! 
Greetings Foxy
(02-09-2024, 10:36 PM)MR.Beast Wrote: [ -> ]-Realname?: Adm

-Age?: 17
-From?: Egypt
-In-Game name?: MR.Beast
-Hobbys?10lay Call of Duty game
-How much you play on a Week?: on free times
-Why do you want to be a MODS Member?: I love that to help other players and enjoy
-Whats your Paytime?: 0 Hours
-Whats your Rank?: 23032
-Whats your level?: 1
-About you?: nothing

My vote is Yes too!
Hello Foxy,

Your application has been declined until further notice, thanks to stop creating more accounts & vote for yourself

Best Regards MODS Team,
|MODS| Reaper
(02-09-2024, 10:36 PM)MR.Beast Wrote: [ -> ]-Realname?: Adm

-Age?: 17
-From?: Egypt
-In-Game name?: MR.Beast
-Hobbys?10lay Call of Duty game
-How much you play on a Week?: on free times
-Why do you want to be a MODS Member?: I love that to help other players and enjoy
-Whats your Paytime?: 0 Hours
-Whats your Rank?: 23032
-Whats your level?: 1
-About you?: nothing

Hello, @ MR.Beast Welcome to Reign of the Undead You are a new Zombie Player. Maybe you could introduce yourself to new players as well along the way and Play some more in the server then Re apply but I will wait for others Responses 1

 |MODS| SubZero
(02-11-2024, 12:41 AM)|MODS| Reaper Wrote: [ -> ]Hello Foxy,

Your application has been declined until further notice, thanks to stop creating more accounts & vote for yourself

Best Regards MODS Team,
|MODS| Reaper
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