Reign of the Undead - Revolution

Full Version: RotU Extension (In-Game Addon for RotU Mod Only)
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Hello dear Rotu Players

I've set out to create an in-game tool for Rotu that will help players better understand and use the commands. This tool can be used freely in the game and/or in the menu. (Only RotU Mod compatible then

And of course few other things about Rotu.
I don't want to say more about it yet.

I would like to hear your opinion on this before I can proceed any further.
Especially from Fabio & the other devs.

Best regards,
Hello Mambu,

Your idea seems to be good, and we are interested with it.

Then, I invite you to contact the dev team to talk about your extension.

Best Regards MODS Team,
Where i can talk with the dev team? Discord i dont have rights to talk in the dev chat.

Best regards,
Yes I know, we will add you to a dev chat on Discord

Best Regards MODS Team,