Reign of the Undead - Revolution

Full Version: some ideas for improvements
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Hi all,

ideas  :
1). Good idea of nemo to use pipe bomb in different way than grenades ( zombies should follow the pipe bomb like if it's a player or a tracker to be followed ) .

2). knife ( player ) said not a bad idea about a map with fence on borders looks like a military area .

.... you can think in more details to be better like : one military building in the middle with MG guns in all corners of 2 clear floors to move in and to look and shoot outside like having half walls or wide windows, wide stairs and doors, safe wide Roof + MG guns and all borders of the map have a fence around with wide distance between the building and the fence and bots can't go through after we lock front and back gates ( can be unlocked and locked by players from inside and outside ) then we place turrets in and out of the fence on many spawn spots .
.... P. S: bots must keep moving in Circle or Ring around the fence if all stuck in one spot we will get low fps or lag ofc you know better i'm just saying .

some items if it can be fixed it will be better and better for the game : ( here some screenshots )

- Molotov item not working well in easy waves ... it should continue kills till it disappear or its time ends ( just 5 kills ) and we still can see it on ground .

- Flashlight blind its player in the front direction of shooting ( if it can be faced to the ground with Long Rang would give a better effect ).
- blood effect too blocks sight on stairs and floors ( it needs something like a gravity to show directly on the ground of maps )
[Image: 491b2dcd.jpeg]
