How about changing the properties of all weapons a bit? Why? Everyone keeps playing with the same weapons. It's a bit boring.
I know there is a weapon ranking that is why this situation exists. Maybe it would be worth changing something, though?
yea nice it would be great if u show some weapons suggest some weapons and we first have to finds the weapons which people dont use much
Hello DiakoN,
We cannot say that we will change the weapon statistics. but a balancing could take place for some weapons.
Modifying a weapon on RotU is a more complicated situation than on any other server. (Pistols balancing is permanent and will not move)
Best Regards MODS Team,
Thanks for all answers
yea royalty got some points weapon balancing will be better ....thanks but um i wish there were some more shotguns actually
Hello Tesa,
We cannot add more weapons in RotU because of Game Engine. we already worked on it but we have not currently found a solution to this problem. Ultimately we cannot add weapons without removing existing weapons and modifying weapons becomes much more complex.
It's also because of this limitation that on RotU we cannot weapon skins system.
Best Regards MODS Team,
so um as i was saying we can inform some weapons that we dont use and that weapon can be removed um its not a force i was just saying it would be great ...