Reign of the Undead - Revolution

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If you installed CoD in the default location, you can create a new text file in "%localappdata%\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Call of Duty\modsrotuv1" (copy without quotes and past in explorer bar of Windows).
Otherwise you need to go to the "modsrotuv1" folder in custom install location.
Name the file "fast_shoot.cfg".

In/open the text file. Start with the line below:

After that add the following line as much times as you want:
+attack; wait 1; +melee; wait 1; +forward; wait 1; -melee; wait 1; -forward; wait 1; -attack; wait 1
for every line you shoot once. I used it 30 times.

And place this at the end.
wait 1
wait 1

In-game bind the script to a key, by typing the following in the console:
bind [key] exec fast_shoot.cfg

Example, to bind it to key "k":
bind k exec fast_shoot.cfg

The script depends on your in-game fps (frames per second).
You could place the file/script in the "uo" folder of CoD to use it on all servers.
But as mentioned most people will see it as a cheat especially if you try to use it against them.
While it's not a very effective way to kill players or zombies.