Reign of the Undead - Revolution

Full Version: lags or bug
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Hi all .

People have long complained that they have lags and it has happened to me. I upload 2 photos from the web (yesterday 1 and today 1) the bug is that revived players, power ups etc. are not counted please when you can check it. thank you (I think today I revived about 50 players and took 8 power ups) I have no proof but you can ask the players who had heheheheheh thanks
foto yesterday

[Image: y4mCKCwu53Anr5gcVVHa_ONAzJEO961euwVFr_1M...pmode=none]

foto today
[Image: y4mvR-baZQ4Y4XCgFv_tJzg8sP9kl4zf26843oWq...pmode=none]

thank you very much! There is indeed a bug..
The challenge counter did not increase for players who had already completed the challenge. I'm working on a fix!

I unlocked "Hacker"-Chaallenge for you!

Best regards,
thank you very much boss