Reign of the Undead - Revolution

Full Version: Revive bug
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People cant be revived sometimes. The have to rejoin next wave.
Experienced it my self to.

No pic. available, sry...forgott...
Can you guys have a look at it?

For the Heart of the game.
(02-09-2014, 09:54 PM)forau Wrote: [ -> ]People cant be revived sometimes. The have to rejoin next wave.
Experienced it my self to.

No pic. available, sry...forgott...
Can you guys have a look at it?

For the Heart of the game.

Yea, I've had this happen to myself and seen it happen to other players. It's like when you're down and it will come up with the message that someone is reviving you yet there isn't and that stops people from reviving the player. When you are trying to revive someone with the bug, it wont even come up with the revive text. The only known fix is to exit and then rejoin the server, but even then, it still has the text on the screen and the way to get rid of that is to down yourself and get someone to revive you and it will go. Hope this helps.
Should be fixed now.

bug still there
The revive bug is still there... Sorry
On testserver it is fixed!
In some days i release the new update on testserver.
After all tests, the testserver will be closed again.

Then ill patch the main server.
Good man 1